
The play centres on C.S. Lewis (of Narnia fame), bachelor, Oxford don in Christian Theology, inexperienced in love/women/carnal desire. Then along comes Joy Davidman, a divorcee from America and turns his world upside-down. She’s equal to him intellectually, strong and sassy. Their love blossoms in equal measure to the cancer which is ravaging Joy’s body leading heartbreakingly to her death and questions Lewis’ strong-held belief in the love and justice of God. The production is about as good as theatre gets. A rock solid cast wrings every last drop of emotion out of the script. The final scenes are tear jerkers, and you might find your emotions aching at the unfairness of it all. You’ll leave with a lump in your throat, take a hanky.

Connaught Theatre, Worthing, 19 April 2016


Lee Stevens

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