Tasha Dhanraj approves of her ‘boy’ friend’s date

I have been friends with a lovely fellow called Ed for about three years now. I love being friends with men. Not more so than women, but Ed has never made me go into Topshop three times in one afternoon and hold his handbag for him while he tried on a bra.

The only issue with being friends with guys is that I have to accept that when they get a girlfriend, our friendship is out of the window. This isn’t because their girlfriend is a jealous maniac or anything, but because the girlfriend is more important, takes up more time and sort of fills the role in their life I used to play – as well as spending more money on them. It is understandable why I come second. The alternative, of course, is remaining as close friends with them once they have a girlfriend, which usually becomes insufferable as they go on and on and on about how paranoid they feel about their new love interest.

“To me, they are now one item. Before, there was Brangelina. Now there is… Sadward”

About six months ago, my darling Edward got himself a lady, Sara. I thought I knew what was going to happen here, but instead something amazing occurred. Sara has become a friend of mine! To me, they are now one item. Before, there was Brangelina. Now there is… Sadward. (On second thought, that sounds more like an area in a hospital where they keep children who broke their arms by falling into a grave they had dug for their first pet.)

She’s not irritating and ‘lovey dovey’ with him, she is not vegetarian, and she regularly replies to me on Twitter. In my estimations, that makes her a friend for life. She’s the kind of person who, if I really, really needed a friend, I probably wouldn’t call her right away, but after I’d gone through the ‘recent contacts’ on my phone, I would definitely call her and feel comfortable with crying at her. That’s a bit of an exaggeration… she is probably the seventh person I’d call. Although, I’d call Ed before her as he is fifth on my list and they are always together, so if he doesn’t answer then neither would she.

Whenever I want to meet up with Ed, Sara comes too. I get to hang out with two awesome people for the effort of one. Unfortunately, when I want to just hang out with Sara I still have to put up with Ed, but I’m sure we could lose him by hiding behind the bras in Topshop.

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