Tasha Dhanraj enjoys alone time with her mum

This week it is just me and my mother in the house. My dad is off on a skiing holiday with one of his friends and my sister, Tasie, is recording her album in Marbella. Why exactly she needs to fly to Marbella to put her mouth in front of a microphone and sing into it I have no idea, but this is the glamorous life she now leads as an F-list celebrity.

I know it is a bit harsh to say, but I love it being just me and my mum. We’re the two most passive people in the family, which means that when the other two are gone we float through the house in an air of delightful calmness. Normally a Sunday evening would consist of me and my dad squabbling over whether we watch the football or The Big C, whilst Tasie would intermittently burst in to show us all her latest outfits and ask whether she should take it back. My mum and I have had the house to ourselves for less than 24 hours and we have already managed to get through everything we had recorded on Sky+. It really is bliss.

The trouble with having the house to ourselves is that my mum can’t cook”

We do a lot of things together anyway. My favourite thing to do with my mum is drive to the Holmbush Centre. I just find it tantalisingly exciting having a Tescos and a Marks & Spencers under one roof, but the main thing I love about it is having some alone time. We get along so well and have so much in common. The most tragic part of that is the truth that we also share fashion sense, hence why a shopping spree in Marks & Spencers is a real opportunity to renew my wardrobe with clothes that no normal self-respecting teenager would ever wear.

The only real trouble with having the house to ourselves is that my mum can’t cook. She’s never needed to have a house-husband and a full time job. I’m actually quite good at cooking, but I can’t be expected to be working hard at college all day, not getting home until as late as 2pm and then start on dinner!
Tasie and my dad come home in two weeks. Then we will be plunged back into a household of fights over the television remote and Topshop fashion shows.

I will probably start missing Tasie and my dad eventually, but in the mean time I am going to enjoy having my mum – and the house – all to myself.

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