Matt Whistler’s open & shut case

Matt’s latest World Record attempt? The longest distance travelled on a train – in a suitcase. After finding out this week’s challenge, set by Anna Marchbent from Hove, Matt’s sidekick Sassy Mystique packed him away and set off on a trip to Hassocks.

Fitting Matt into the case was the least of their problems as sniffer dogs set upon the case as they arrived at Brighton Station. Matt threw them his lunch, giving the pair enough time to make it through the barriers.

On the train Matt began to understand the problems of travelling compactly: “As we reached Preston Park, I couldn’t hold my legs in anymore. I shouted ‘CRAAAAMP’ and as my leg flew out the case I heard two girls scream.”

It was a strange trip, but Matt and Sassy had set a new record, but the drama didn’t end there… “Sassy offered me a cream bun to celebrate the record, but as it came through the top of the case it slipped and splattered over my face. At least nobody could see the state of me!”

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