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It’s Halloween this weekend which, in TV?terms, usually means a weekend of nothing in particular with a semi-horror film hidden among the dregs on ITV2 at 4am. I have long lamented the television schedulers for ignoring Halloween as an opportunity for getting out and dusting off those old screamers. It shouldn’t cost too much, they used to show them all the time, but for some reason the last weekend in October would go unmolested by screams, machetes and killers that just refuse to die. Hurrah for 2011 Halloween!
Saturday’s TV starts off pretty softy with Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past (Channel 4, 9pm), a romantic comedy turning Dickens’ Christmas Carol onto a rom-com tilt. For something more trash-embracing switch over to the much-abused Lesbian Vampire Killers (BBC4) for some Brit vamp camp com. Really quite recent and with a release date of 2009, this was absolutely trashed by the critics so perhaps perfect for those wanting something on in the background to set the mood while they get ready for an evening’s trick or treating. No concentration required.
For true classics worthy of those staying in for the night with popcorn and the need to scare yourself silly may I also suggest TOTP2 Halloween Special (BBC2, 11,25pm) followed by the proper teen screamers going neck and neck – the original 1978 Halloween (BBC2, 12.25pm) and Friday The 13th’s latest 2009 incarnation (ITV1, 12.50am). These are the movies referenced in Scream, Scary Movie and every other post modern horror. Enjoy them without irony but with the safety net of a cushion.
If you’re after something a little more art house but still a classic make a date with the Japanese classic Battle Royale (Film4, 12.35am). But remember, your eyes need to be able to stay open long enough and focus well enough to read the subtitles.
“Enjoy them without irony but with the safety net of a cushion”
Sunday doesn’t drop the scary ball either. Although typically not a night for staying up late and not actually Halloween either, the offerings thin out a tad to just daytime kids’ movie The Ghost Of Greville Lodge (Five, 4.25pm) and a late night sequel Halloween 6: The Curse Of Michael Myers (BBC2, 11.50pm). Some killers just never die.
Finally it’s time for the day itself. All Hallows’ Eve and putting all Celtic beliefs to one Monday will be a day of small children putting themselves in danger by jumping out and scaring adults into almost clobbering them in surprise. Don’t do it kids. Or adults.
On BBC4 on Monday is the charming marathon viewing that is Andy Hamilton’s Search For Satan (9pm), Psychoville Halloween Special (10pm), and A History Of Horror With Mark Gatiss. And if you’re simply after scares of the movie variety BBC2 is doing its best to oblige with the 2002 Halloween reboot – Halloween: Resurrection (as if the other returns of Michael Myers were really about him not actually being dead yet –?duh!).
I am, as you may have gathered, utterly impressed this year with the abundance of trashy scream delights on offer. However, if it’s not really your bag and you liked the old system… well, there’s always In Her Shoes on Film4 to distract you (Monday, 9pm).
Halloween weekend continues from Saturday 29 October until Monday 31 October.