Tasha Dhanraj follows her dream

I have just booked a holiday for my boyfriend, Andy, and I. This will be our second holiday together as we went to Amsterdam last year for my birthday. But my parents booked that and so I didn’t have to deal with any of the grown up stuff, like looking at hotel locations instead of just going with one because they claimed to serve pancakes for breakfast and choosing whether to carbon offset the flight.

Andy and I will be going to New York. This will be my third trip to New York within three years, but when you are such a cosmopolitan and international socialite like myself you simply can’t be expected to stay away from Manhattan for more than 12 months!

“It’s by reaching for the smaller goals that we get confidence”

There are two reasons why we are going to New York. Number one, I have been watching a lot of Sex And The City lately and am desperate to swan about in high heel shoes and talk about the latest club opening. Reason number two, it has always been Andy’s dream to go to New York.

I think there’s something so important about achieving the achievable dreams. We’ve all got grand ideas about what we want to do with our lives, most of which we have no control over and may never achieve. I may never have a biopic made about my life where I am played by Natalie Portman, but I have plenty of dreams that I can make happen.

People so frequently put so much weight on the dreams that can only be realised through luck; while putting off the ones that they can make happen. Why delay going to New York? New York will always be there, but so will more and more excuses why not to go.

If you look back on your life when you are 96 and you never played the piano at the Royal Albert Hall, but while worrying about that you never swam with dolphins or climbed a mountain either then how could you ever be content with what you’d done?

It’s by reaching the smaller goals in life that we get the confidence to keep fighting for the bigger ones. If all your life is one big disappointment with never doing anything you’ve dreamed of, then what reason would you have for believing in yourself?

So Andy and I are going to New York to achieve a dream. It’s not that we’re giving up on our big goals, but this will keep us going in the meantime.

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