New Year Bootcamp: Brighton Kettlebells Week One

Only one week into my Kettlebells bootcamp and I have had hallucinations of cake and dreams of eating cheese. I ache all over and to top it all off I walk like John Wayne.

After an introductory session, where trainer Christian Vila provided us with a welcome pack that focuses on both exercise and food, I have been to three sessions of Kettlebells and one Zumba® class this week.

The beginner’s session on Monday helped us find out what weight we were best suited to, and at a steady pace we mixed cardio with different lifts. The following day I was aching but it was nothing as to how I would feel after joining the advanced class on Wednesday…

I have never had a workout like this before, I do like to stay active by running and taking Zumba® classes two to three times a week, but this definitely got every muscle in my body working.

After the warm-up, where you run laps, do star jumps and squats, I honestly thought I was going to be sick as it’s so fast-paced, letting you rest for no more than five seconds. As you work with a partner suited to the same size weight as you, one completes a routine with the kettlebell for 30 seconds while the other is on the floor, most likely doing press ups, holding the plank position and completing squats. You alternate throughout the whole session and work on lifts such as a double arm swing, kettlebell squats, kettlebell shoulder press and cleans.

Despite it sounding difficult, there is a really great atmosphere, and you actually find yourself having a laugh as you grit your teeth when holding a position. I also attended the intermediate class on Thursday night and after three stints of training and a Zumba® class, my stomach muscles are definitely feeling it!

On the food and drink front it’s been tough giving up my vices: coffee, diet Coke and chocolate. I have been eating plenty of fruit, nuts, porridge, chicken, fish, eggs, brown rice and most importantly aiming to drink three litres of water a day. I still want the naughty stuff, anything carb-related, but my cravings are not as strong as they have been since the start. I will hand my food diary to Christian tonight and he will provide feedback on what I’ve been eating.

The Kettlebells classes are open to everyone as they are drop-in, and I seriously recommend this to anyone who wants a proper workout where they will feel it afterwards. I have three weeks left of bootcamp and I really cannot wait to see my final results in week four.

Laura Burgess

For the Kettlebells training timetable see

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  1. Great work Laura! Keep it up!

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