Events: Brighton & Hove Children’s Festival
Fun for all the family through the theme of bravery

Brighton & Hove Children’s Festival returns with exciting family events during the Easter holidays, meaning there’s no excuse for children to be bored. This year the festival is challenging families to take part in a series of performances and workshops all inspired by the theme of bravery and courage.
From Travels With Grandad at the Brighton Dome, where eccentric traveller Grandad tells tales of courageous deeds and valiant adventures, to a ‘Twilight Walk’ in Queens Park with artist Mim King, who questions how our senses adapt when the light starts to fade.
There’s plenty happening at Komedia such as You’ll Like This Film Because You’re In It, a filmmaking event inspired by cinematic virtuoso Michel Gondry. Families are given all the equipment to write, direct and star in their own short film about bravery. ‘Scary Monsters’ invites you to join a clay workshop and create brave sculptures of the things that scare you the most and what you need to overcome those fears.
‘Dancing In Darkness’ is an experimental dance class which takes place in gradually dimming light and culminates in a disco in the darkness. Whilst ‘Great Expectations’ at the Jubilee Library is a chance for expectant mothers, fathers and siblings to creatively express and share their thoughts about their uniquely brave adventure.
Over half the festivals events are free of charge including ‘Break the Spell’ on Friday 13 April, the unluckiest day of all, where families can challenge their bad luck superstitions by walking under ladders, putting up umbrellas and making single magpies.
The Brighton & Hove Children’s Festival, Komedia, Brighton Dome, Jubilee Square and The Basement, Monday 9–Saturday 14 April. For a full list of events and individual ticket prices see
See also, our Days Out special feature, p21. issue 571, out Tuesday 3 April.