Film: Titanic 3D (12A)
Director: James Cameron

This may seem familiar – well, it was familiar ground when it first came out in 1997 – but sometimes it’s good to return to a modern classic of the big screen splashed all across the massive screens of today. Even more so when it’s been super hyped up and added booster bells and whistles in the form of being made 3D. Imagine that sketch coming off the screen, never mind that boat and that iceberg.
It’s also the 100th anniversary of the actual ship setting sail, reminding us that behind all the pomp and effects this was a real event that happened claiming thousands of lives. Which is why there’s more on the TV about it too, in the form of new dramatisations and Len Goodman investigating the dockyards.
This story of the ill-fated ship all those moons ago, in case you didn’t already know, tells of young Jack and Rose (Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet), setting sail with new lives awaiting them when they reach America with a spirit of adventure, rebellion and a hint of danger. Rose is posh, Jack isn’t. Rose is betrothed to an evil bounder (Billy Zane), Jack isn’t. And they both seem to have an enjoyment of Celine Dion classics. Funny that.
Released Friday 6 April. Showing at Odeon and Cineworld. Also see page 18 in issue 571, out Tuesday 3 April, for our full James Cameron interview.