Tasha Dhanraj suddenly has a lot of time to kill

Iknow this is all very popular, so please don’t assume that I’m just doing this to be cool and trendy like the other thousands of young people, but I’ve now joined the ranks of unemployment.

I’ve not been fired or made redundant. I knew this was coming. My contract came to an end with the production company I’d been working for. I thought I would have a nice time just chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool and maybe shooting some B-ball outside of the school, but then I remembered that my life isn’t anything like Will Smith’s in The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air and I not heading for months of hanging out with friends – I’m heading for months of weight gain and Loose Women.

“I’m heading for months of weight gain and Loose Women”

As the days ticked ever closer to my last pay cheque, I began to panic. I began to spruce up my Linkedin profile, I began to pay attention to the junk-mail in my inbox about how to earn $300 a day by filling out dodgy looking surveys and I started actually reading the Mid Sussex Times’ vacancies page.

The problem is, I really don’t need a job. Living at home and having all my meals paid for by my darling parents, all I really need is something to do.

I’ve thought about going to every free museum in London just to try and widen my brain, but the trouble with that is that most of them can be done within two hours and then you’re back at the gift shop considering whether you need a bookmark to remember the plastic dinosaurs. Then I thought about writing a book called The Life And Times Of Signore Buffinboots all about my cat’s struggle with losing an eye. That was when I looked in the mirror and discovered that I had officially lost my grip on reality.
I’ve realised, the panic has just come from the unknown. I’ve got six months until I go to university and I just don’t know what to do with this time. I don’t know what’s going to happen and I’m worried that if I just leave it and wait for life to happen to me then I will waste it eating crisps.

In truth, I’m very, very lucky. While I might not have a job anymore, I have all the means to do whatever I want with my life and I know that it’s not forever. Maybe I should stop panicking and enjoy the freedom… and watch more Loose Women.

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