1 – 7 May 2012

ARIES {Mar 21–Apr 20}
Getting the support of others is no easy task as many communications are stifled with seriousness and responsibility thanks to the gravitational influence of taskmaster Saturn. You now have added charm, concentration and mental stamina.

TAURUS {Apr 21–May 21}
Near the end of the week, the full moon in your opposite sign of Scorpio promises to enlighten the need to be part of a close knit companionship that is both balanced and emotionally charged. Any hidden issues can surface and be transmuted.

GEMINI {May 22–June 21}
Habits are under the spotlight, be they ingrained since birth
or picked up recently. You may feel too serious to have fun or perhaps serious things can be found rather enjoyable, like organising parties? Use your charm, that’s what it’s there for!

CANCER {June 22–July 22}
You may have a need to do some serious networking but feel stifled by responsibilities around the home. The full moon insists you have some fun. Romantic feelings could bring deeply rooted desires to the surface but real love is hidden.

LEO {July 23–Aug 22}
While your conscious attention is fully turned outward toward success and the accomplishments of the material world, an inner nagging let’s you know that what goes on behind closed doors and inside your heart is of equal value and can’t be shelved.

VIRGO {Aug 23–Sep 22}
Believing that good things come to those who wait will buy you time while finances seems to move in slow motion. The full moon deepens your awareness of social interplay, advancing your understanding of man’s need to communicate.

LIBRA {Sep 23–Oct 22}
You currently have a gift for seeing in which way others can help you. Healing comes both in financial rewards and in psychological equipment. Gracefully accept help and move forwards with a positive attitude, it is a blessing even if it doesn’t feel quite like one.

SCORPIO {Oct 23–Nov 21}
The full moon in your sign may make you less rational than usual and blur your sensibilities; it’s fine to spend
time reflecting inwardly. Don’t be tempted to project any distortions onto partners. With boldness and confidence,
you can make positive impressions.

SAGITTARIUS {Nov 22–Dec 20}
Your usual friends are a little low on the ground with current influences putting a slight dampener on things. The good news is that while friends may not be around much this week for fun times, they will be around for the rest of your life.

CAPRICORN {Dec 21–Jan 19}
Relationships that are consistent and realistic prove to be the most rewarding, they may not be the most exciting, they can endure where others might fail. A fortuitous work offer could really boost your profile and won’t be too demanding.

AQUARIUS {Jan 20–Feb 19}
You may have to work a little harder to ensure that your emotions don’t somehow worm their way into your working world making you appear erratic or unprofessional. Harmony is best found by seeking the middle way in important relationships.

PISCES {Feb 20–Mar 20}
You may not entirely know what all your feelings are trying to tell you, yet if you see a plane in the sky, you may be enviously longing for the freedom of a getaway. If you can’t get out of work, try exploring or travelling the mind.

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