The Great Escape – Erased Tapes

The scene of acclaimed classical artist Max Richter’s triumph at last year’s Great Escape, St Mary’s Church again hosted a quality session of more sedate modern music to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Berlin label Erased Tapes. A false start by the lushly-packaged The British Expeditionary Force (impressive atmospherics couldn’t hide bland indie-by-numbers songwriting) was soon forgotten as German piano maestro Nils Frahm dazzled the audience with pieces that soared, trembled and tiptoed over the spectrum of emotion. Headlining, US/Belgian collective A Winged Victory For The Sullen (featuring Dustin O’Halloran returning to St Mary’s) presented string-led, straightforwardly beautiful sounds that unhurriedly brought the night to a civilized, satisfying climax.

St Mary’s Church, Brighton, 11 May 2012


Nick Aldwinckle

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