Diabolical: The Magic Show

‘Diabolical’ wouldn’t necessarily be my first choice of word but it wouldn’t be too far off the mark to describe this lacklustre show. Magicians needn’t be flashy to spark the imagination of the audience, but they do require an originality with their tricks and presentation which was noticeably missing from Diabolical. Awkward audience participation, modest amounts of humour and tired old tricks without any real sense of wonder left the evening feeling pretty flat. Some unintentional nudity was the only real funny moment of the whole show, which was a shame given the wonderful surroundings of The Warren pop-up theatre.

The Warren, 17 May 2012


Woodrow Whyte

One Response

  1. Gillian Barns says:

    I have to disagree with this review. I have been to two other magic shows during the fringe period both of which lacked anything remotely resmbling comedy. I had been to see this show previously before at the three and ten and enjoy the fact that it is raw and a bit rough round the edges than other stuffy magic shows. Maybe it lacked a little originality but seeing russian roulette played with staple guns and Elvis Presley floating naked on stage was original enough for me!


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