Major Jack Union: A Practical Guide to Monster Hunting.

In soaring temperatures Major Jack Union took to the stage in the Hendricks’ Library to regale us with tales of derring do. Major Jack is a fierce defender of Albion and hunter of monsters, from the Furious Bandersnatch to Kraken, Dhoti, Vampires, Yeti… the list goes on and on, and in his book he teaches us how to spot them and to despatch them too. Over a tea of dainty sandwiches and delicious cakes, all served with tea and or cocktails, we listened as the charming Major, suited in heavy serge uniform (which he later had to loosen). The adventurer’s stories, whilst fantastic, are delivered with the same fervor as a young Richard Attenborough describing a rare spider or bird. It’s a clever construct, totally entertaining and refreshingly silly in a festival where things can get all too serious. The book too is a delight, beautifully written illustrated and produced.

The Hendricks’ Library Of Delightfully Peculiar Writings, May 26 2012


Andrew Kay

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