Daniel Simonsen and Lloyd Langford Edinburgh previews

This double bill of Edinburgh previews was clearly at the preview stage, which was alright as that was what we had signed up for. A small audience seemed to throw the less experienced Simonsen somewhat, who looked agitatedly at his watch clearly wishing away his hour as the 20 minutes of material he’d announced he had at the beginning spread somewhat thinly over the allotted time. It was good material though, and he just needs to build up more of it. Lloyd Langford immediately made the sparse audience feel ‘select’, cultivating an intimate feeling as he bore his jovial everyday honest soul with a bash at a show called ‘One Day In The Life Of Lloyd Owen Langford’. Barely getting past the first virtual hour of his day, we were all still after more by the end of his time as he mixed up anecdotes and gags beautifully prompting plenty of laughter and holding court over us all with experience and humility. A good mix of previews packed with promise.

Upstairs At Three and Ten, 6 July 2012


Anna DeAngelo

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