Euros Child

Euros Childs smashed through the first few songs from the new album ‘Summer Special’. Three belting portions of psychedelic Euro-pop mixed with Welsh folklore. ‘Be Be High’, ‘That’s better’ – that good old fashioned feeling. Superb. They looked no older than 20 but seemed to be playing like seasoned professionals, completely engrossed in this special brand of Welsh pop. Keyboard and moog were the driving force in this fascinating display of brilliance. Roogie boogie and her ways grinded a groove into your already melted soul. Euros Childs is funny, witty, welsh and incredibly talented and has made many albums already. Please Euros, stay with this band because tonight’s show was amazing. Totally on form. Thanks for turning an ordinary Monday evening into a cataclysmic journey through the stratosphere. Mooooog style.

Sticky Mike’s Frog Bar, 3 September 2012


Andy Forward

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