Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Barnabás Kelemen (violin), Rory Macdonald (conductor)

We warmed to Rory Macdonald instantly when he introduced Dvořák’s ‘Noonday Witch’, a gruesome story. He then charmed a delightful performance from this excellent orchestra. Next came a spirited interpretation of Bruch’s 1st Violin concerto, with impassioned foot-tapping from the soloist. In the second half, Macdonald delivered all the joy of Beethoven’s 6th Symphony. The peasant dance was so fast it almost had us waltzing too.

This was a lovely programme with top quality playing and an inspiring conductor, all enthusiastically received, yet incredibly the Dome was not full. Don’t miss them next time, they really are far too good.

Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 22 September 2012


Andrew Connal

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