25 September – 1 October 2012

ARIES {Mar 21–Apr 20}
When you are asserting your rebellious need for authenticity and self expression we know you mean no harm. But what if the universal forces for human evolution need you to embrace their mighty authority and are piling on the pressure? Partners can help you explore this conflict of interest.

TAURUS {Apr 21–May 21}
Your ruling planet Venus is transiting the glamorous and gorgeous drama queen, Leo, and sexy Mars in Scorpio. With sizzling passions, you won’t need a thermometer to feel the heat. Remember, discretion is the better part of valour.

GEMINI {May 22–June 21}
You’re really on a roll getting a much more dynamic sense of who you are. Of course you have to take full advantage of all the opportunities you’re being offered, but don’t over-extend yourself. Once Jupiter leaves your sign in the spring of next year, you’ll have to carry the torch single handed.

CANCER {June 22–July 22}
What you learn in the background might be upsetting over the full Moon. A change in philosophy is called for when called to account in a professional situation. Improve communications rather than being needlessly hostile or unreasonable.

LEO {July 23–Aug 22}
If you’re going to be the ring-master, remember you’ll come across a lot of clowns as much as noble beasts. An emotional impulse inspired by your higher mind could resolve the difference you’ve felt between you and a colleague. Venus may well be in your sign, but all that glistens is not gold.

VIRGO {Aug 23–Sep 22}
You might feel that partners are being a tad deceptive but with the best will in the world, they would tell you that they’re trying to heal a situation on a spiritual or psychological level. With Jupiter spurring you on, it’s time to avoid the emotional doldrums by going on a short trip to get perspective.

LIBRA {Sep 23–Oct 22}
Emotional disruptions could somehow be inextricably linked with your health but more on a feeling than physical level. While Venus your ruling planet transits Leo the performer of the zodiac, you could be called into major romantic drama.

SCORPIO {Oct 23–Nov 21}
Regeneration is the name of the game, like those hundred Spartans on the bridge; it could feel like do or die. Come on relax, there’s time to be a little less intense about things, smokey looks just wont cut it now as ESP is out and clear communication is in.

SAGITTARIUS {Nov 22–Dec 20}
Over the full Moon you just want to blurt it out, sure that foreign love or sexy intellectual gets you going, but without that visceral engagement it doesn’t mean a thing.  With Jupiter in your opposite sign, partnerships formed now are bound to expand horizons.

CAPRICORN {Dec 21–Jan 19}
You know your whole life is in change as enlightening Uranus and transformative Pluto conspire to give you the pragmatic solutions to your metamorphosis. You don’t have to go live on a commune, just look out for an alternative domestic situation.

AQUARIUS {Jan 20–Feb 19}
In the past others may have suspected you were being a bit of a cold fish, but the current climate of Mars square Venus has put your libido in a spin. As you well and truly end some lucky so and so’s doubts, you get out of your head and into your skin.

PISCES {Feb 20–Mar 20}
The contentious Mars in Scorpio has made you more aware of the disruptive and cruel events in some corners of the world. The media may have a more profound effect on you over the full Moon as you look for a solution to your tumbling thoughts.

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