Al Murray – The Only Way Is Epic

Striding around a stage draped in pub wallpaper and a massive sign overhead denoting the show’s title, Al Murray owned that platform and was loved by the audience from start to finish. This was the second show of the day, both of which would combine to produce his new DVD due to be released in mid November, and the star comic’s energy level was high, his wit quicker than ever as he bantered with the front row in character as The Pub Landlord.

The duality of Murray’s boorish but usually loveable Pub Landlord character and his own intellect was in evidence through such impressive set pieces as the list of “worst government ever”s, and explanations of how the current economical situation came about from political, historical and socialogical perspectives, whilst maintaining a high level of comedic value. With still the few semi-xenophobic and homophobic nods, Murray did his best to convey the irony of intention by utilising the cleverness of the author of the material to trump the blunt delivery of the character. This careful balancing act was probably a strong decider in deciding the location of his DVD recording, lucky old comedy-savvy Brightonians.

The Pub Landlord’s rallying cries were answered, in some instances literally, by his on-side and enthusiastic audience. He’s a clever man with lots of ideas to share, mixing high and low brow humour together beautifully. For the most part original (the subject of vajazzling has been covered extensively already by many comics), this was an excellent show showcasing why he’s stayed at the top of his field for over a decade.

Theatre Royal Brighton, 30 September 2012


Victoria Nangle

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