See you curator alligator

Who would you like to see as the figurehead of the 2013 Brighton Festival? We at Bare Cheek have recently received a shortlist of candidates for curator 2013 from the festival organisers, and they would like you to vote on who it should be. So who would you like to see pictured on the festival programme? Please send your entries to

•Kirk Stevens
•Simon Groom
•Stu “Crush a Grape” Francis
•Bodger from Bodger and Badger
•The “Go Compare” Tenor
•Wordy from Words and Pictures
•The Boston Strangler
•Nick Hancock
•Adrian Juste
•Julian Assange
•Oran “Juice” Jones
•The Milk Tray man
•Mrs. Mills
•Metal Mickey
•Henry Kissinger
•Chris Jefferies

Bus names explained

Their connections to the local area explained…

Herod Antipas – no. 18
The Tetrarch, son of Herod
The Great, uncle to Salome, and persecutor of John The Baptist is mentioned in the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark and Luke, which are books of the New Testament, which forms part of The Bible, which is widely available throughout Brighton and its immediate environs.

Womack and Womack – no. 41
An arcade game licensed to exploit the fraternal duo’s images and music was still in use at Palace Pier as late as 1997.

Gary Busey – no. 76
A newsagent in the Albion Hill area of Brighton played a DVD of Under Siege dubbed into Punjabi on a TV tucked by the counter a record 987 times.

Edward De Bonehead’s Lateral Thinking Puzzles
A man is driving a sports car at 200 miles per hour down a street at midnight. The car does not have its headlights on, and the street has no lampposts. Moreover the man is blind and has drunk a bottle and a half of Scotch whisky. He is also nude. However, he does not crash into anything and causes neither an accident nor physical harm to any person, and five minutes later when the police pull him over, they merely check his tax disc and wave him on his way. Why?
Answer next week.
SOLUTION TO LAST WEEK’S PUZZLE: They were underwater.

Get ready to hold your sides for more rational funnies!

Q: What’s at the bottom of the ocean and shakes?
A: A deep sea diver suffering from decompression sickness.

Q: Why is a lost dalmatian easily found?
A: Because his distinctive (and unique) markings make him instantly recognisable.

Q: Why was six afraid of seven?
A: Paranoia.

*Knock knock*
“Who’s there?”
“Boo who?”
“Boo Radley.”

Q: What happened to the cat who swallowed a ball of wool?
A: She had an operation.

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