FILM: The Twilight Saga – Breaking Dawn Pt 2 (12A)

Are you ready for this? It’s the last instalment of the Twilight franchise so pin your hopes high and your hankies near to hand as much as you’ve followed these characters through assassination attempts and around the globe, this is your last peek into their lives. You’ll miss them. You know it.

Anyway, Bella has given birth to the miraculous Renesmee and also, as it happens, been turned into a vampire. Never one for spreading out those life changes, was she? She and Edward are very happy together, sparkling in the sunlight, running around at great speed and being doting parents. Thing is, it’s not exactly normal for vampires to be parents in the genetic sense and when the Volturi get wind of Renesmee they think she’s an outlawed immortal and vow to stamp her out. With their great big feet. It’s time for the vampire world to pick sides as a battle brews of epic proportions, protecting – or joining forces against the Cullen family.

Released Friday 16 Nov,Showing at Odeon and Cineworld

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