Comic Boom – Ginger & Black

Comic Boom is always an exciting night for any comedy fan, picking fine new voices climbing the comedy ranks and reporting back on those we had a teaser glimpse of before with this format of newer comics in five and ten minute slots supporting a wowzer of a headliner. Last night only proved to solidify the evening’s reputation for such a sharp eye for talent. Mike Cox opened proceedings strongly, followed by a very jolly set with hints of darkness from Lara A King. Dan Fardell kicked off the second set presenting a bizarre but sweet view of his own, and Spliff Richards shook up proceedings with his excellent performance poetry and stage affability. The section was rounded off by a surreal and quite captivating performance from Mark Stephenson. Headlining proceedings were Ginger & Black, whose stoic darkness in the face of abject hilarity are always a real treat. Such a diverse line-up in one night, yet a consistently high quality – this is why we go to live comedy.

Komedia, 29 November 2012


Victoria Nangle

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