9 to 5 The Musical

From the pounding opening bars of the hit title song to the final call 9 to 5 is an unashamedly nostalgic romp back to 1979, when equality was about women’s and not gay rights. But despite the political message, still appropriate in some quarters, this was pure high energy entertainment. Sticking closely to the film’s storyline made total sense and Dolly Parton, present on film, has done a brilliant job of writing a whole set of great new numbers that, unlike a jukebox musical, are there to carry the plot forward. This may be cheesy but it’s intelligent cheese and it’s performed with a great deal of style and verve. Natalie Casey is great once again, acting her numbers in a way too few performers can. Amy Lennox is great fun as the backwood Barbie, a great number by the way, and Jackie Clune does a fine job, in fine voice too, as Violet. Ben Richards is deliciously loathsome as the bigot boss Franklyn J Hart and the entire company, bewigged almost to a man, give their absolute all. But it is the incredible Bonnie Langford that steals the show with a superb number ‘Heart to Hart’ in which she blows away the audience with a voice that could kill and a dance routine that would terrify even the fittest of young chorines. Sadly she only gets the one big number which leaves the audience wanting more. 9 to 5 makes a pretty fine musical and a great fun night out, whatever the time of the year.

Theatre Royal Brighton, 10 December 2012


Andrew Kay

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