Django Unchained

The controversial subject matter of Tarantino’s latest film is African-American slavery, with the n-bomb continuously being dropped throughout. White German bounty hunter Dr Schultz (Christopher Waltz) frees former plantation slave Django (Jamie Foxx) and the pair team up to shoot-down racist proprietors in the American south, a few years before the Civil War.

After fulfilling their mission, the duo head to “Candyland” the biggest plantation of all, to rescue Broomhilda (Kerry Washington) from owner Calvin Candie (Leonardo di Caprio). Samuel L. Jackson gives an unforgettable performance as Stephen, the foul-mouthed, angry head house-slave to Calvin. Jamie Foxx looks the part but doesn’t quite sound the part of a gritty gunslinger. Tarantino uses his own recognisable cinema aesthetics to tackle the Spaghetti Western, in comparison to other original European maestros of the violent genre, Sergio Leone and Sergio Corbucci. In true Tarantino style expect overrun scenes, black comedy and blood, guts and gore.

Duke of York’s Picturehouse, 18 January 2013
[Rating: 4/5]
Laura Burgess

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