Latest People: Brighton & Hove Dance Academy

Brighton Accommodation Agency, Brighton & Hove Dance Academy & Like Sugar In Milk launch

Brighton Accomodation Agency’s Year of Pain
Brighton Accommodation Agency launched the Year of Pain on 11 January at The Cricketers in Brighton. The Year of Pain consists of 12 crazy endurance  events in order to raise £20,000 for The Chestnut Tree House. The auction prizes of the evening included signed Fat Boy Slim gear, a celebrity haircut in London, free house sale, cocktail waiter for the evening and more raised £2,000.
Jo Goddard (Chestnut Tree House), Dan Lyons (Brighton Accommodation Agency), Nicky Ifould (Chestnut Tree House)
Words & Photos: Diana Frangi

Dance Academy raises funds for CLIC Sargent
Students from the Brighton and Hove Dance Academy raised £1,365 for CLIC Sargent at a show late last year. Around 100 dancers aged between 4 and 40 took part in the show which was titled ‘Celebrate’. The theme celebrated not only five years of the Brighton and Hove Dance Academy; but also the success of the London 2012 Olympics was celebrated to the music of Saint-Saens and saw groups of students dancing as swimmers, athletes, boxers and more. The second act saw a celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee with numbers on a theme of precious stones.

Brighton & Hove Dance Academy Principal Victoria Arnett said: “We chose CLIC Sargent because of their affiliation with The Royal Academy of Dance through their Practice-a-thon event and because as it was mainly children involved in the show it seemed apt to choose a children’s charity.”
Brighton & Hove Dance Academy: 0845 689 4014.

Like Sugar In Milk
Thursday 10 January saw the Brighton launch of ‘Like Sugar in Milk’: Stories of Zoroastrian Migration to the South East of England, at the Jubilee Library. ‘Like Sugar in Milk’ is a Heritage Lottery funded exhibition focusing on the migration stories of Zoroastrians who came to the South East between 1950 and 1980 from Iran, India and East Africa. The exhibition marks the culmination of an 18 month project involving over 20 volunteers, guided by a Steering Group made up of leaders of the Ferdowsi Trust, the World Zoroastrian Organisation and Zoroastrian Trust Fund of Europe. For more info:
Cuthbert Williams MBE, Heather Randall, Mayor Bill Randall, Nina Emett (Chair of Trustees), Philippa Vafadari (Artistic Director)
Words & Photos: Diana Frangi

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