London Philharmonic Orchestra, Henning Kraggerud (violin), Jukka-Pekka Saraste (conductor)

This Sibelius programme was as elegant, serious and enchanting as its conductor. The beautifully atmospheric Kuolema (Death) got us into a thoughtful, Finnish mood ready for the wonderful violin concerto, which is only for the brave and gifted. Kraggerud’s 1744 Guarneri del Gesu violin thrilled the Dome with honeyed and exuberant sound, at times as mellow as a viola. A generous encore brought us gently down for the interval.

The enigmatic 4th Symphony was a kaleidoscope of moods, mainly sombre but also dancing and bright, that kept us wondering where it was going, oh so beautifully, to its abrupt end!

Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 2 February 2013


Andrew Connal

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