Brighton sex attack detectives ask good Samaritan to contact them

Detectives are trying to trace a good Samaritan who helped a woman after she had been sexually assaulted in a flat in Brighton.

The woman asked the man to give her a lift to a hotel in the town, which he did.

Sussex Police said: “On Friday 8 February a 25-year-old woman has reported to police that she believes she was sexually assaulted in a flat in Brighton.

“After the alleged assault she was found by a man in a lift in a block of flats and he gave her a lift to the Travelodge in Brighton, which is believed to have been some time between 12 noon and 2pm.”

Detective Sergeant Duncan Elliott, of Brighton and Hove CID, said: “The victim is very shaken and at the moment she is not clear on exactly where or when the alleged assault may have taken place.

“Afterwards she was found by a man in a lift in a block of flats but she cannot remember where these flats were.

“The man was concerned about her and she requested to be taken to the Travelodge in Brighton and he drove her there.

“He is described as white, with long hair and a beard, aged around 50 to 60 years old. He was wearing glasses and his name may have been Dave.

“He is in no way connected to the alleged assault but could be an important witness for us.

“We are still in the early stages of this investigation and are working to establish the full circumstances of the allegation.

“We do know that the victim had been on a night out in the city but it is unclear how she ended up in the flat.

“The victim is receiving specialist support from officers.”

Anyone with information about who the man may be is asked to contact Sussex Police on 101 or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

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