COMEDY: Phil & Phill’s Perfect 10

As Phill Jupitus joins Phil Wilding to record their popular podcast, he takes time with Victoria Nangle.

Hello! So nice to hear you’re back in town – and back with the Perfect Ten. Is this really going to be the very, very, VERY last Perfect Ten podcast?
“It will very probably be the last live one but on past evidence, never say never! The logistics of putting it on live are often hamstrung by my absurd schedule and poor organisational skills. (Just ask poor Jon at the Duke’s about THAT!) I don’t think it will be the last ten. The more infrequent they are, the more fun I find them.”

The Perfect Ten’s have been going for quite a while – happy 50th podcast! What are some of your favourite questions that have popped up over the years?
“The more absurdist sort of ‘what if’ questions are the best. One I recall involved being attacked by waves of seven year olds twelve at a time and speculating on just how long we could hold out.
I love the off kilter inventiveness of some listeners.”

Who would you love to just go up and shout ‘Wallop!’ in the face of?
“That would be rude. I would love to hear the legendary Bob Hoskins shout it.”

The Perfect Ten has listeners all over world – so much so that you make a feature of the many locations. Where would you and Phil absolutely love to record a Perfect Ten if you didn’t have to worry about transport or jet lag?
“Helsinki and New Zealand. Just for the oddness. Pretty much anywhere to be honest. It’s fun to do and a very simple idea. I think technically we still owe one listener the dubious honour of recording one in her house, so we should probably honour that before we go swanning off around  the globe.”

You and your fellow Phil (Wilding) seem to get on well. Is there any topic you really clash about?
“I saw The Clash live. He didn’t. He saw Bill Hicks live. I didn’t. Nine times out of ten, that is our go to bickering point. We’re both quite moody, which paradoxically seems to work rather well for our relationship.”

You gave me a rather spiffing recipe for seabass not long ago. Any other culinary tips from the godfather of pop quizzes?
“I’m all about the poached haddock and eggs these days… Get a good bit
of smoked haddock and poach it either with water or milk for 8 minutes, poach 2 medium eggs for 5 minutes, serve with a sprinkling of chopped parsley and enjoy.”

The Perfect 10 with Phil & Phill, Duke Of York’s Picturehouse,
Saturday 23 March, 9.30pm, £10

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