Cody ChesnuTT

Oh Brighton, where were you? A surprisingly small crowd turned out for the second of three exclusive dates showcasing the Atlantan’s glorious new album of soon-to-be soul classics. Channelling the spirit of Marvin’s tortured pleas and Curtis’s social conscience, every song had elements of the finest early 70s post-civil rights Afro American music. Apologising for a faltering voice, ChesnuTT nonetheless demonstrated a soaring falsetto and had us eating out of his hands as he prowled the stage – part rapper, part soul legend. A near-perfect night where this reformed bad boy, backed by an on-the-money band, delivered his magnum opus.

Concorde 2, 19 March 2013


Steve Clements

One Response

  1. anne says:

    Oh yes, Brighton: you missed a treat!

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