Losing Louis

A recent amateur production (not in Brighton) left me cold and gave rise to a new phrase ‘grievous bodily theatre’. Not so with the Southwick Players whose production of ‘Losing Louis’ was as good as many pro companies might hope to achieve. A well written black comedy, no matter how good the script, requires so many other factors; a cast that can not only act, but have also mastered the deadpan delivery required to pull such dark material off and the timing too. This small ensemble achieved just that. A pacy performance for the most part, although lagging towards the end of the first act, that raced to the finish with a rapid fire series of pay-offs that had the audience roaring with laughter. Fine performances from all. Amy Chandler and Louise Yeo’s sex chat was beautifully handled, as was Richard Greenhorn and Julian McDowell’s discussion on the drawbacks of circumcision. Top marks though to Sally Driver whose comic timing was superb throughout. A round of applause too for a fine set, better by far than some of the touring tat I have seen of late. The short journey to Southwick was well worth making.

The Barn Theatre, Southwick, 12 April 2013


Andrew Kay

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