Don Broco

This Bedfordshire-based band have blasted their way out of nowhere. Having recently played a sold out show at The Haunt selling out The Concorde so soon after is no easy feat. One thing Don Broco guarantee at their shows is swooning girls and testosterone-fuelled boys. They provide pure ‘lad rock’ at its cheeky best. ‘Priorities’ is an album that is jammed full of dance floor fillers and insatiable sing alongs. Don Broco eased the Concorde2 into a club-like vibe, massive smiles and sweaty bodies writhing to their beats. Rob Damiani who fronts the band became a master at hypnotising crowds with his lustrous voice and dashing good looks. Damiani requested the crowd get down and do press ups which their lucid fan-base, known as the ‘Push Up Squad’ did without a second thought. The sky is the limit for Don Broco and 2013 is set to be one of hell of a year for these good time lads.

Concorde2, 16 April 2013


Rachel Simm

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