Britten: The Canticles

Neil Bartlett’s excellent rendering of these extraordinarily moving Britten works was a total triumph. The pairing of fine vocalists and musicians with physical theatre and film could merely have been distracting, but his sparse setting, use of brilliant lighting and excellent moving image made for a totally cohesive whole. Ian Bostridge, Iestyn Davies and Benedict Nelson’s fine voices were superbly underpinned by the extraordinary playing of Julius Drake, a performer for whom the word ‘accompanianist’ simply does not suffice. This was Neil Bartlett at his very best, sensitive yet probing, getting deep to the core of the works and adding to them in an intelligent way that made for a moving and thought-provoking theatrical experience.

Theatre Royal Brighton, 9 May 2013


Andrew Kay

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  1. Latest Reviews says:

    Let’s not forget the special contribution of Richard Watkins (French horn) and Sally Pryce (harp). Many of the capacity audience would have found a plain Britten recital very far from their comfort zone but the contribution of Neil Bartlett and Frantic Assembly gave even Britten affectionados something to help focus the attention. The lighting was at its best when it was most pared down and searching.
    Andrew Connal

  2. Jill Bourne says:

    The music was superb, the staging was simply a distraction.

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