Bitch Boxer

This play, with its fast moving dialogue, exquisite direction by Bryony Shanahan and truly brilliant lighting effects by Seth Rook Williams captivated me from the moment Charlotte Josephine stepped on the stage and brought tears to my eyes as I relived a young girl’s torment, torn by her own determination to validate herself in her fathers eyes.

It takes place in 2012 when women entered the Olympic boxing ring for the first time. We see Chloe training to compete in the event even as she is torn by cosmic events in her own life. Through it all, she is hanging on to a tattered faith in herself and reaching for a star she knows belongs to her. It is Josephine’s performance that makes this production stellar. She is an artist in every sense of that word and beyond.

The Marlborough Theatre, 6 May 2013


Lynn Ruth Miller

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