Play it Again Alan Rusbridger

Sales of the Guardian Newspaper in Brighton are higher than in any other comparable city and a large number of this loyal readership turned up to listen to its charming and erudite editor Alan Rusbridger talk frankly about what could be described in his book ‘Play It Again’ as a creative mid-life crisis.

Having just scrapped through his grade 6 piano exam as a teenager, he promptly quits, only to discover his passion again in his fifties at a time when his professional focus is firmly fixed elsewhere.

In a fascinating discussion and Q&A session he describes the desires and emotions which drove him onto his goal; to learn to play Chopin’s fiendishly difficult Ballade No 1 from scratch, and to perform it live on stage.

A highly unique and truthful insight into a modest and multi-talented man.

Theatre Royal Brighton, 11 May 2013


Paul Clark

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