Brighton Youth Orchestra

The excellent BYO and splendid conductor Andrew Sherwood have, over the years, exhibitied an adventurous and passionate approach to their music that many a professional set-up would envy. Born out by the quality of soloists they can attract, from Evelyn Glennie and Nicola Benedetti and more, this afternoon saw the young star cellist Laura van der Heijen join their ranks. She delighted the Festival audience with her outstanding mastery of the Haydn cello Concerto in C major. The concert had begun with the rousing Sussex Overture by Malcolm Arnold, and concluded with the West Side Story Symphonic Dances. The Bernstein is fiendishly tricky, but the BYO conquered it and only lack of space prevents me from praising each section of the orchestra, a task Andrew seemed intent on acheiving at the end.

Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 19 May 2013


Paul Clark

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