Phil Cool: The Final Curtain tour

I think people will miss this somewhat forgotten gem of a performer. Comedy has moved on to something more razzmatazzy these days (as opposed to his heyday 25 years ago), which is why Phil’s comedy stands out. Pensive, thoughtful, laconic even but delivered with his passive aggressive soft Yorkshire twang. The ‘characterisations’ (as opposed to impressions) came thick and fast (Paul McCartney singing with John Lennon, U.S. Presidents, Rolf Harris to name but a few) as did the gags which ranged from the anecdotal, observational to down right silly one liners. Ending with some clever guitar-based song mash ups, a standing ovation and gone. Thanks for the laughs Phil.

The Denton Room, Pavilion Theatre, Worthing, 17 May 2013


Lee Stevens

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