Great Escape: John Grant

The story behind John Grant is for the better part why he’s suddenly come racing down the outside track to become a much more popular figure than with his long standing band The Czars, with whom he made six, largely underachieving, albums. On a personal level, he has fully come out as a homosexual, has told the world he is HIV-positive and has formed close relationships with the likes of Sinead O’Connor, all helping to provide added interest in this artist. Musically, he hasn’t progressed much beyond The Czars since launching his solo career proper with ‘Queen Of Denmark’ in 2010, although without the shackles of a ‘band’ Grant’s lyrics are much more overtly personal and still have that knack for startling and memorable observations, often self-deprecating and comic, helped by his wonderfully melancholic voice. Still reliant on a very orthodox 4/4 structure, Grant’s skill is in the melodic lines of his voice and, of course, his lyrics. But more so than previously, he’s incorporated synthesisers in his music, exemplified by the outstanding fat and squelchy sounds of Pale Green Ghosts, a welcome departure from the more traditional songs on offer. Tonight, there was much love for this man, and the lovely atmosphere and acoustics of St. Georges only added to the positive vibe.

Thursday 16 May, St. Georges Church


Jeff Hemmings

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