Reviews: La Clique: Stephen Williams

Mechanical aerialist Stephen Williams creates quite a stir at La Clique. Victoria Nangle has a chat with the skyflyer

Wow. Congratulations on a fabulous show in La Clique. How did you first get involved with them?
“I was recommended to them by the fabulous Lilikoi Kaos and Miss Behave, who I’ve worked with here and there over the past few years. So now here I am with the privilege to work with La Clique.”

What is a ‘mechanical aerialist’ – as what you do appears to be where acrobat meets dancer?  
“I guess the term “mechanical aerialist” might be a little bit of a confusion from the way I’m introduced in the show. I do an aerial straps act using tyres for logistical reasons and the character I use in the piece is a mechanic. I’ve been asked if it was loosely themed on the photographer Herb Ritts’ series called “man with tyres” aka “Fred with Tyres” but it was actually just based around some fat tyres I had laying around and the idea grew from there. The acrobatics is from a roller boller act I do involving some dance and acrobatics but is very separate from the aerial act I do in the show.”

What do you start with when you go to choreograph a new routine?
“I wouldn’t say there is one particular way or method when creating an act. Sometimes it can come from something you’ve seen or music you’ve heard that sparked an idea, sometimes it is created around stage and space restrictions, sometimes there is even a story of feeling you want to show and sometimes it is created around having fun onstage with fun people.”

If you could swap a scene with any of the other performers in the La Clique line-up, whose set would you love to have a try at?
“I reckon the MC “Shay Horay” looks like he’s having a pretty good time but I’m not to keen on public speaking myself so I’m not really sure!”

Do you ever get embarrassed by the enthusiasm with which you are received, or is it something to revel in – the best paycheck of appreciation?  
“I’m often surprised at a big round of applause in comparison to my internal dialogue of how I think I’m going when performing. But I’m definitely not embarrassed.”

Have you ever been surprised by an audience member’s reaction?
I think I’d better leave that one as ‘no comment’!”

What advice would you give to anyone who’d like to run away and join the ‘circus’?
“Ask your parents or legal guardian for permission and most of all get financial support before you start as it’s often a slow start for most.”

It has to be asked: how do you maintain your enviable physique?
“Get a weights program written by a professional and do it often and on the days you can’t, do timed interval cardio using body weight exercises, always. There’s lots of stuff on Google…GO!” 

Are you enjoying your stay in Brighton?
“Yes, definitely! The people I’m here with are great and so are the restaurants and coffee spots. If only the sun would come out a little more often it would be perfect, but I’m sure we can all agree with that.”

La Clique, The Speigeltent, 9pm, 21 May–2 June (excluding Mon 27 May), £20/17.

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