Comedy: Julian Clary – Position Vacant: Apply Within

The self-proclaimed ‘Lord of the Mince’ returns to Brighton yet again with a mix of vintage chutzpah & that familiar sparkle that breaks all boundaries

Filling the ample space of the Dome’s Concert Hall (I thank you), the king of innuendo, the prince of the double entendre, and any other regal title you care to bestow upon him – Julian Clary is in town with a show of classic material and on the hunt for a husband.

After playing to packed houses on previous visits, his calling on Brighton has become something of an annual treat, as the rooms he plays get bigger and the banter more familiar and loved. It’s unlikely Clary’ll enter as he did a few years back when he was playing at what is now the Studio Theatre – on roller skates and benefiting from what looked like a good, if not too controlled, push – but from start to finish you can bet he will charm, titillate and enchant you.

It’s good to see the star of television and panto, acclaimed novelist and columnist back treating his stand-up roots (and having them fully blow dried). This is where he started and some would argue, what he does best. Alas, these days he is without his small but perfectly formed canine companion, but the risqué chat and hoot-roaring-laughter cheek is still utterly present and correct.

Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, Saturday 1 June, 8pm, £20/18, 01273 709709,

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