
A girl called Sylvie had disappeared and three of her friends gradually revealed their memories of the last time they saw her and what their relationship with her had been. Blue was a site-specific production with the audience being taken from room to room, but the moving around felt like it had little to do with the plot and was often confusing, with the audience wondering where they were meant to go, or only some people being able to see what was happening. For a site-specific piece it also felt strangely lacking in a specific location: an estate was mentioned, and the sea and cliffs, so perhaps it was meant to be Brighton, but it wasn’t clear. This was made more uncertain by the three cast members all having different accents. The only convincing role was the Sylvie’s boyfriend and it was difficult to believe in, or care about, Sylvie or her friends.

The Nightingale Theatre, 1 June 2013


Jenni Davidson

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