Six candidates to fight Brighton by-election

Six people are standing in the Hanover and Elm Grove by-election for a seat on Brighton and Hove City Council.

They are

  • Phil Clarke, of Upper Hollingdean Road, Brighton, for Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts
  • Emma Daniel, of D’Aubigny Road, Brighton, for Labour
  • Lev Eakins, of Brunswick Street West, Hove, for the Liberal Democrats
  • David Gibson, of Islingword Road, Brighton, for the Greens
  • Robert Knight, of Thompson Road, Brighton, for the Conservatives
  • Patricia Mountain, of Sackville Road, Hove, for the UK Independence Party (UKIP)

The only candidate who lives in the ward is Mr Gibson, a community campaigner. The by-election is expected to be a head to head contest with Labour.

The by-election was called after the resignation of Green councillor Matt Follett, who said that he was moving away from the area.

It is due to take place on Thursday 11 July. The council said that the last day to register to vote or to apply for a postal vote would be Wednesday 26 June.

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