Thank You For The Music

Few bands have a more solid or impressive catalogue of hits than ABBA. It proved something of a revelation to hear so many of them again after so long. Those ridiculously catchy, machine-tooled pop songs put together with the precision of a Rolex watch. Close your eyes and it was easy to believe that it really was ABBA up there on stage. ‘Agnetha’ and ‘Frida’ were scarily accurate in their intonation and their moves. BeeGees Magic were less successful, only catching fire during ‘Stayin’ Alive’ and ‘Night Fever’. The audience’s impatience for ABBA to appear clearly communicated itself. So, a slightly uneven show. 100 per cent pure ABBA would have been perfect.

Theatre Royal Brighton, 21 June 2013


Gary Mepsted

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