Brighton after dark: 9 July 2013

And in the end/The love you take/Is equal to the love you make
And with these appropriately grandiose lines it seems a good time to take stock of the best things about this peculiar little city we inhabit. First of all: the sea. I know if you’ve been here all your life you probably take it for granted. Don’t. Some of us previously lived elsewhere and for a decade, only saw the sea once a year on an annual schlep to Auntie Dora’s Scarborough bedsit, it cannot be overstated how much of an effect the sea can have on your state of mind.
Even when it’s February, hammering with rain and nose-stripper wind is fanning sea-water onto your face and down your back, it reminds you that although us humans might have TVs, trucks and too much time to spend on Twitter, nature has the OCEAN. It’s better than you and a natural inspiration.
Second, the food. As a person who spends most of his life eating one meal and thinking about the next, it’s up there with some of the best cities. It is a place to fuel yourself and set your creativity alight.
Thirdly, the music. With more bands per square inch that anywhere else we live in a mecca of unsigned talent and fresh new voices imparting worldly experience and emotion.
Lastly, and by no means last: the people. Brighton is blessed with a creative community that is a greenhouse for people with ideas who want to listen to your own.
It’s these factors that bring us together, so with this in mind if you are interested in making music television feel free to come to our next open meeting. We’re always happy to get people on board, to develop ideas or just to have a friendly chat.
We’ll be at The Sovereign on Tuesday 9 and Tuesday 23 July at 6.30pm Keep enjoying everything our fair city has to offer and we’ll see you soon…
Catch up with the latest Bmusic adventures at
Words: David Hiller/Ben Darling
Sade Ali’s best mate birthday’s with verve
Recently it was my best friend’s birthday. We’ve all got that one friend who we have known our whole life and will always be there. Well, when it’s that friend’s birthday you have to do it big, meaning – you should have no memory of how you got home! The birthday celebrations started at Grace’s (birthday girl) house, just a few of the girls and Grace’s boyfriend and brothers were there too. I have to say, all the girls looked beautiful! We drank the strangest cocktails, as Cheyenne and I decided to mix every alcoholic substance in one glass (Cheyenne and two others didn’t make it into town because of this). We lost them on the way…
After Grace’s we jumped on a bus to town. Our first stop was Oxygen. We had three jugs of cocktails, vodka mixers and plenty of Jaeger Bombs. By this time I had lost track of time and was talking absolute rubbish, literally expressing my love to everyone!
All I can remember was walking into Lola Lo and thinking I was in Hollister – seriously, it looks exactly the same in there! It reminded me of a beach and there were pretty of slim blonde girls everywhere! It was so dark in there everything was a bit surreal. Although Lola Lo isn’t really my scene and I was probably sticking out like a sore thumb, I actually had a really good time. It was nice to be able to dance without people I know watching me, and just let loose and have fun. It’s a Saturday I would definitely consider doing again!
After Lola’s I managed to lose everyone I was with and found myself sitting on the stairs by Bartholomew Square eating a chicken wrap and chips. Heads up guys and girls: a feast like this may be great when you’re drunk, but when you go back the next day when you’re sober – not so nice!
I did, on the other hand, manage to get a free taxi ride home from my friend
I met on a previous night out, winning!
I woke up with a terrible hangover. There’s now just one more birthday before a few weeks of detoxing and then it’s my 22nd birthday. I can guarantee a lot of interesting stories to come!
Best tweets of the week:
“I think you and your friends need rehab”
“Going to party hard tonight like @SadeAli and the CFC”
Keep tweeting!

Is rock, nu metal or alternative music more your scene? Then take yourself away from West Street and head to Belushi’s for a night of pure unadulterated rock fuelled fun.
Belushi’s Below, Friday 12 July, 9pm, £3/2
It Is Still 1985
It might be 2013 everywhere else but step inside The Haunt every Saturday and you’ll find yourself back in the ’80s. Expect nothing less than total ’80s class.
The Haunt, Sat 13 July, 11pm, £3
Junk Club
Settle into the week with a night of hip-hop, R’n’B and some commercial tunes to go crazy to. Fool your brain into thinking it is the weekend as you party like it’s 1999… or a Saturday.
Funfair Club, Tuesday 9 July, 11pm, £4/3
Well Rounded
Welcome a fairly new night to the Brighton scene, filled with quality music and good vibes. Have your musical thirst quenched with a whole mix of genres from funk and soul to afro and tropical.
Life, Friday 12 July, 10pm, £3/free
Brighton Noise
Andy Hinton on this week’s best gigs
Festivals – I’ve got nothing against the things, I just don’t go to them. I think it’s the risk factor: rain. I really can’t bear the thought of three days squelching about and I’m not really a drinker so couldn’t use alcohol to numb the pain. Yeah, I know I’m probably missing out but I probably spent less over the last couple of weeks diving in Dahab than I would in three days on Worthy Farm. In fact, three days at Glastonbury would probably equal a week’s diving in some exotic far Eastern location and I would thankfully have no chance of catching even a glimpse of The Rolling Stones.
I suppose the only thing I have against them is the lack of gigs in Brighton, so I have to fill this column with a load of waffle. There are some quality bands coming to town over the summer; Dark Dark Dark, Moon Duo, The Soft Moon, Youth Lagoon but they are spread thinly. There also isn’t the sheer amount of interesting weirdness and local bands you find the rest of the year. Maybe they’re all on holiday…or at festivals.
This week begins (on Tuesday) with some quality melodic and ethereal electronic pop from American Mikky Ekko at The Green Door Store. Check out his uplifting song ‘Kids’ and the moody and rather lovely ‘Pull Me Down’.
More straightforward synth-pop from highly rated New Yorkers. The boy/girl duo MS MR are playing on Thursday at The Haunt. If you like AlunaGeorge you’ll like this a lot, according to our writer David Ma. I don’t like either but… horses for courses.
Again on Thursday there is the combination of Polaroid 85 and Soccer 96 at The Blind Tiger. I’m sure the similarity in names was not the inspiration for this night but they are both worth seeing and should get you dancing. Polaroid 85 from London are a lovely mix of electro dance, live percussion, strings and haunting vocals. Brighton’s rave-tastic Soccer 96 always put on a good show of old school techno inspired dance music.
The other gig of note this week are Dublin’s Fight Like Apes at Sticky Mike’s on Monday. Spiky, full-on, in the words of our writer Al, singer MayKay “can have the voice of a banshee being dragged through barbed wire. No-prisoner, in your face fantasticness. But next up she’ll be angelic. That’s a dangerous combination.” Recommended!
More info at