Events: LGBT Film Festival

This year Brighton & Hove expand their celebrations into the film world with The Pride Film Festival

For weeks before the month of August arrives, Brighton starts gearing up for the ever popular Pride event, promising a weekend of vibrancy, fun, music and hopefully sunshine. This year they are going one step further to bring into the spotlight some of the most iconic LBGT heroes and personalities in film.

Brighton and Hove Pride has teamed up with local cinema The Duke Of York’s Picturehouse and Brighton’s Big Screen to bring you ‘The Pride Film Festival’, curated by Eyes Wide Open Queer Cinema, consisting of a series of six unique film events.

The opening event is certainly one of the most highly anticipated with the screening of I Am Divine, a film that has been astounding LGBT audiences all over the globe. Directed by Jeffrey Schwarz, this documentary details the life of the legendary actor, singer and drag queen Divine. This could only be followed by the marvellous Female Trouble from 1974, where Divine plays teenage runaway Dawn Davenport.

Directed by John Waters who worked closely with Divine in other films such as Pink Flamingos and the 1988 cult hit Hairspray. This double bill complete with drag queens, live music and prizes explodes the start of the season and each ticket sold during the festival will help raise money towards Brighton Pride.

You can show your support for the incredible LGBT talent that will be hitting our screens during July and August by booking your tickets today. Each event will be held at either Duke Of York’s or Duke’s @ Komedia. Special LGBT films will also be shown on the open-air screen on Brighton’s famous beach over the Pride weekend.

The Pride Film Festival, various locations in Brighton, Friday 19 July–Sunday 4 August, prices from £9.60,

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