The True Tragedy Of The Duke Of York

This Shakespearean history picks up the story from the previous evening’s English revolution, with the Duke Of York claiming rightful monarchy over the land by reason of lineage and setting against the incumbent king, Henry VI. With a great clashing of swords, Brendan O’Hea’s York was righteous and true in his claim, surrounded by sons as differing as honourable Clarence (Gareth Pierce) whose confusion mirrored that of the nation at large, and hunchback Richard (Simon Harrison) who sprang between the comically grotesque and lethally ambitious. The Globe Theatre’s production was simply riveting – transporting us to another more ruthless and larger time, almost physically. Probably one of the best ways ever to see Shakespeare’s history in the rich and bloody colour it deserves.

Theatre Royal Brighton, 19 July 2013


Victoria Nangle

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