Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 The Musical

Unsure whether I needed to see this for a second time in less than a year I’m so glad that I did. It’s a rippingly good show with a great plot, superb numbers by Dolly herself that actually make sense, and a cast that work their socks off throughout.

Jackie Clunes has certainly found her form and although no dancer, she dances like Rex Harrison sang, she has found her voice – and it’s terrific. Ben Richards is marvellous, devilishly misogynistic, he can dance and he too has found his vocal stride. Anita Louise Combe plays Roz with skill and delivers her big number with unbridled energy. The tallest order has to be playing Doralee, Dolly’s role. Amy Lennox pulls it off with confidence and charm equal to Miss Parton, and her vocal performance has true country style. For me the evening is stolen by Natalie Casey who again proves that she is a musical comedy actor of real talent. Never once slipping out of character as the downtrodden Judy, she delivers both her lines and her songs with real dramatic artistry whilst at the same time, never compromising on musicality. And the girl can milk the role for humour too, never missing a laugh. On top of this she ends the show by dropping into a full splits! A real star!

Theatre Royal Brighton, 5 August 2013


Andrew Kay

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