Benefits capped for 300 Brighton and Hove families

The government is capping welfare benefits for 300 families in Brighton and Hove.

It introduced the benefits cap from
Monday (12 August), Brighton and Hove City Council said.

The reduction in benefit will be made by cutting the amount of housing benefit that a family receives.

Families will be capped to a maximum of £500 a week and single people to £350 a week. The actual reductions in benefit will range from a few pounds a week to more than £300 a week.

The council has been planning for these changes for a number of months. Officials are carefully checking each family or individual that the government says is affected to make sure that the information matches council-held data.

The council said: “In cases where the cap does apply a range of options is available from helping families into work or with moving to different accommodation.

“This work also includes looking at whether the council can support that family in the short term.

“This will particularly be the case where there may be a risk of the family becoming homeless.

“Teams from across the council including Welfare Reform, Revenues and Benefits, Housing, Adult Social Care, Children’s Services, Stronger Families Stronger Communities and Welfare Rights are working alongside the Jobcentre Plus to support these families.”

Councillor Bill Randall said: “It is vital that families understand these new measures and understand what help is available.

“We’ve been told by the Department for Work and Pensions of about 300 cases in the city.

“That could be 300 families who need support through these changes and we are doing everything we can to help them.”

The council said that anyone who thinks that they may be affected by the benefits cap should contact the council’s Revenues and Benefits Team.

The team can be reached in person in the customer service centre at Barts House, opposite Brighton Town Hall, by telephone on 292000 or by email

There is more information about the benefits cap at

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