Brighton after dark: 20 August 2013


Last minute playlists
It is finally happening people. The longest actual summer in recent history is at long last coming to a close. We here at Bmusic have been loving every second of it: the music, the beach, the festivals. Indeed it has been a fantastic time to be in Brighton.

So in the interest of keeping the summer spirits going just that little bit longer, here are some suggestions for a playlist of summertime tunes with a Brighton influence. I call it: The Sun Has Got Its Bright On.

‘She Moves In Her Own Way’ – The Kooks: If there is one band who perfectly encapsulate summertime in Brighton, it’s The Kooks. This number is perhaps the chirpiest in their repertoire, making it first choice on our playlist.

‘Summertime Blues’ – The Who: The Who have had an ongoing relationship with Brighton since the late ‘60s, this song is the closest they came to a full-on summer anthem.

‘Carousel’ or ‘Roller Coaster’ – Blink 182: No summer playlist would be complete without a little bit of pop-punk! Next time you find yourself enjoying the rides on Brighton Pier, try humming one of these songs.

‘Rill Rill’ – Sleigh Bells: The ideal anthem for a summer road trip. There is nothing like cruising down the motorway with the windows down listening to this gem on full blast. Special mention has to go to ‘Paper Planes’ by MIA.

‘Right Here, Right Now’ – Fatboy Slim: Considered musical royalty in Btown, the DJ’s eclectic sound perfectly encapsulates what is so great about this city. This song in particular is a great example of how Fatboy Slim made songs which always flourish in the summer months.

Okay, so it was a relatively small playlist, but this is just a jumping off point. The rest of the music is out there waiting for you. You simply have to listen to be able to find it.
Words: Matthew Berryman


Sade Ali puts her faith in Brighton Pride

Well, I think this year’s gay Pride was definitely not as good as last year. During the day, the CFC and I found ourselves a spot outside a letting agents on St James’s Street, had a few drinks and just enjoyed the music. Natalie was up to her usual antics and already taking off half her clothes, drinking and dancing. Nikita whipped out her phone and filmed some very embarrassing videos of us all. Chloe and Jade turned up with a bottle of cookies and cream shots. Even Chaz and all the boys from Peckham had come down to party with us.

Although we did have a laugh this year it was no way near as good as last year. Maybe everyone had gone to the party in the park this year but the buzz on St James’s Street was not the same as usual. I remember last year being so different, a lot busier and a better atmosphere. However, the night time saved our Pride!

We had to go and work for the TUBE. Nikita and I patrolled the seafront with our flyers and met some very interesting people. There was one specific, very attractive group, from London who kept changing their mind as to whether they were gay or straight and had us guessing for about an hour. In the end though, they all admitted to being gay. Our friend wasn’t too impressed as she claimed one of them to be ‘beautiful’. Hah. I must say though, I’ve never seen a better ‘twerk’ (you may have to YouTube that one).

After flyering we went back to the TUBE. Normally on a Saturday night, everyone will go to the TUBE after 3am. But we arrived at 1.30am and it was packed! Everyone we knew was having an amazing time, the vibe was great and DJ Dubl was playing everyone’s favourite tunes. If I was not so tired from the day I would have stayed right up till close, but I made the decision to go to Buddies, grab some chips and get in a taxi home. The taxi driver was an absolute babe! He chatted with me all the way home and turned out to be hilarious. He was telling me a few stories of the day’s events and I’m sure he had a more interesting day than me after the things he told me. Overall, I suppose my Pride experience was alright. Roll on next year.

As promised, next week I will be writing about the brand new cocktail masterclasses at Vodka Revs!
Follow @SadeAli


Wonder Yeahs
Could you find it in yourself to travel back to the ‘90s? No worries, because this is one club night that will do it all for you. Great tunes from that decade plus some
novelty ‘90s video games and skating visuals.
The Haunt, Fri 23 August, 11pm, £3

If you often find yourselves wandering around the streets of Brighton on a Friday night, praying for some late night techno then you’re going in the wrong direction! Head down to the beach for two rooms of techno/tech house and more till the early hours of
the morning.
Volks, Friday 23 August, 11pm, £5

If you are with your mates and you are struggling to find a night to suit everyone’s tastes, go along to Snapback. A night of old skull clubbing, anything that will make you dance, smile and keep your friends in one place.
Coalition, Sat 24 August, 11pm, £TBC

Fat Poppadaddys
Don’t spend the whole of your Saturday night roaming the city for the perfect night of good music. This fresh club night promises to deliver with a whole mix of different tunes in a casual party environment.
The Haunt, Sat 24 Aug, 11pm, £3/2/Free

Brighton Noise

Andy Hinton on this week’s best gigs
After last week’s lack of gigs there’s a surprising amount happening this week so no need to bore you with my usual blurb (filler).

The week starts with the fantastic Moon Duo at The Haunt. A husband and wife duo who are an offshoot of Californian space rockers Wooden Shjips. They make a surprising amount of noise but the noise is focused and hypnotic. Their gig at the Green Door Store last week has us Brighton Noisers transfixed throughout.

Wednesday sees Thurston Moore (of Sonic Youth) at The Blind Tiger. Unfortunately this sold out yonks ago but Sonic Youth fans who are lucky enough to have a ticket will be salivating (they’re an obsessive lot).

Martha Wainwright, one part of an impressive musical dynasty, daughter of Loudon and brother of Rufus is at Komedia on Thursday. As Kate Franklin says, Martha “has contributed to her family’s musical oeuvre with a series of uncompromising, heart-on-sleeve albums.” A gig “that will be intimate and electrifying in equal measure.”

Another Brighton Noise favourite, Speak Galactic is playing a free gig at The Green Door Store on Friday along with P For Persia and Cousin.

This will set you nicely up for the Bank Holiday weekend which sees David Gedge’s annual At The Edge Of The Sea festival spreading itself over two days.

On Saturday his latest version of The Wedding Present will be playing their classic and quite fantastic George Best album in full. Also David’s latest band, Cinerama are playing as well as Terry De Castro (ex WP drummer), Flying Wing and The Brownies.

Sunday sees the same line-up with The Wedding Present playing all the A-sides from their ‘The Hit Parade’ project and presumably all the other bands playing different sets. Expect obsessive fans singing along to all the tracks and the busiest merch table you’re ever likely to see.

Also on Sunday Ducktails, the side project of Matt Mondanile from Real Estate is bringing his summery vibes to The Hope. I saw him in the dead of winter at a freezing Green Door Store and his great set of American indie-pop did a great job in warming up the crowd.
More info at

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