Bent Double: Shazia Mirza

Once again, compere Zoe Lyons wowed the audience in another fantastic fast-paced and high energy Bent Double. She knows how to work a crowd, even when faced with tough heckles, so it was no surprise when she introduced another fantastic comedic line-up with headliner Shazia Mirza. Mirza really brought a fresh take on life as a British Asian woman as she slandered customs, arranged marriages and more, with her razor-sharp-tongue wit.

It was really refreshing to see someone who had the balls to say what she thought each time, whilst keeping the audience interaction hot and fast. It is about time Britain had a voice from a fresh perspective… this is Shazia Mirza! One feisty comic who is not to be missed!

Komedia, 1 September 2013


Sascha Cooper

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