Brighton Mini Maker : Invention central

Pique your curiosity & see there’s nothing mini about Brighton Mini Maker Faire

This weekend sees the return of the Brighton Mini Maker Faire, the city’s annual festival of creativity and invention, where you can witness the home-made creations of makers from around the country, and have a go at making something yourself. Part of the Digital Festival, the unmissable family event will run over two days this year:
An interactive exhibition and mini conference at the Corn Exchange on Saturday will be jam packed with all sorts of crafters, inventors, mad scientists, engineers and musicians, showing off their projects and encouraging visitors to get involved; On Sunday you can learn a new skill in one of the in-depth workshops, which include making a portable sound system, learning about 3D scanning and printing, a design modelling masterclass, introduction to wearable electronics, upcycling with tetrapaks, making robots from old toys and a session on the science of sound.

If your kids have got the back to school blues, this event is guaranteed to cheer them up and give you lots of ideas for creative activities to get your through the long winter months!

Brighton Mini Maker Faire, Saturday 7 September – Main Interactive Exhibition & Conference £5, under 16s free.
Sunday 8 September – Workshops, individually priced.
Twitter: @MakerFaireBTN

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